Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Alter Christus

At this hour last Sunday, Glenn was preaching on the story of the outcast woman who was scorned for her lifestyle and lack of social grace, and yet Jesus welcomed her as an equal.
 The message of his sermon that morning was that we all need to be a welcoming, inclusive community to others, and that we should be the "Alter Christus" the "other Christ" to those we meet in our lives.

Who knew that lots of you already had received that message, as indicated by your service to me last week?
Alter Christus

Glenn talked to everybody. Everybody. A lot. And if you had on a sports jacket from one of "his" teams, I knew that I should just leave and come pick him up later. It was one of the things I loved most about him, unless I was in a hurry:).

Alter Christus

Yesterday I went into Walgreens to cancel his prescriptions, mostly because every time they autofill something, the announcement that it is ready pops up in our email with a chirpy little message. After a couple of times of yelling, "Shut up-he's dead!"to my IPad,I decided I needed to take action for my own mental health.  A few years ago I complained that the women who worked in the drive-thru there were so crabby. He had no clue what I meant. And sure enough, as soon as they connected me with him, they were no longer crabby to me. The pharmacy tech on duty tearfully told me that whenever they saw his car in the tv screen at the drive-up they smiled.  "He always seemed so happy to see us!"

Alter Christus


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